Sunday, May 11, 2008

Miles for Moffitt

Race Report

Ran in the Miles for Moffitt in Tampa Florida this morning. As expected, I didn't do real well. I finished in 25:10. Steve did much better than last week, and his brother Peter continued his successful North American Tour by picking up another 2nd in the 50-54 age group.

Steve and I both did something a bit nuts this weekend, we each bought a pair of racing shoes. Steve bought Mizunos and I bought Brooks, which is weird, because he wears Brooks as running shoes and I wear Mizunos. We bought them on Friday and wore them for the Saturday race. They felt great throughout the 5K.

Looking back I did finish 171 out of 1233, so that's not too bad.

Now that I am over my illness, again, I am going to do 5 miles tomorrow. It will be good to get back to training.